in case of invasion

I love these posters, I actually noticed them for the first time at Servilles in Ponsonby because they had them in their waiting area, and after that I have wondered how I didn't notice them before because they're everywhere!
they were made in 1939 by the British government to generally give people hope and strength in the midst of World War Two. The 800,000 'courage' posters and 400,000 'freedom' posters were the first two, and most well known at the time. More than 2 milion copies of the 'keep calm' poster were made, however they were saved as a last case scenario in the event that Britian was invaded by the Nazi's.
thoughtful isn't it?
just nice to think that was the back up plan, mind you with two and a half million
copies printed doesn't sound like anyone was very hopeful for courage or freedom...
